Whether I'm writing up some workouts for myself or for the masses, below is some pretty solid advice I've taken on effective WOD programming that I've adopted. This is a great starting place for beginners for maintaining GPP for the gen. pop. in your box.
"Good programming is simple programming."
Difficulty in execution is not a measure of effectiveness. Rather, it is a measure of difficulty. Don't conflate the two.
Most of your athletes don't need to squat snatch on a daily basis; they need to squat. They don't need to rope climb; they need to do pull-ups. They don't need double-unders; they need to sprint.
Pick the big exercises, the simple movements, ones that move the athlete's center of gravity a long way using low coordination movement patterns. Layer on high coordination movements as a supplement, an expression of power best suited to those who already exhibit virtuosity as the basics, those you consider advanced, those who plan to compete.
Further, most of your athletes don't need to work out for a half hour. They need to bust their ass for five to ten minutes. They need anaerobic training.
Take the big exercises, and combine them in couplets and triplets, and keep your rep schemes to a level that allows your clients to keep going.
"Short. Simple. Hard, not difficult. This is the foundation of fitness. Everything else is just gravy."
Nov. 6, 2013, Jon Gilson is the founder of Again Faster and former member of CrossFit’s Level I Seminar staff.