CoachJan 17THURSDAY | 01.18.2024SKILL: 10~15MINS ring dips & bar dips WODprep progressions tips from Barbell Shrugged TABATA: ring dips 10MIN AMRAP: 10 alt. dumbbell snatches 50/35 10 alt. overhead lunges 50/35 10 dumbbell box step-ups 24"/20" - POST YOUR RESULTS TO COMMENTS. #WOD #JUSTSHOWUP CLICK HERE TO RESERVE YOUR SPOT IN CLASSor download the app for easier scheduling (iOS / Android)
SKILL: 10~15MINS ring dips & bar dips WODprep progressions tips from Barbell Shrugged TABATA: ring dips 10MIN AMRAP: 10 alt. dumbbell snatches 50/35 10 alt. overhead lunges 50/35 10 dumbbell box step-ups 24"/20" - POST YOUR RESULTS TO COMMENTS. #WOD #JUSTSHOWUP CLICK HERE TO RESERVE YOUR SPOT IN CLASSor download the app for easier scheduling (iOS / Android)