THURSDAY | 02.06.2020CoachFeb 5, 2020CONDITIONING: 8 ROUNDS (6mins TOTAL) 30sec MAX cals air bike 15sec REST 13MIN AMRAP: "LUCKY NO.13" 3-6-9-12... (cont. adding +3 REPS) thrusters 95/65 burpees toes-to-bar (EXTRA CREDIT: dumbbell thrusters 50's/35's) - POST YOUR RESULTS TO COMMENTS. #WOD #JUSTSHOWUP
CONDITIONING: 8 ROUNDS (6mins TOTAL) 30sec MAX cals air bike 15sec REST 13MIN AMRAP: "LUCKY NO.13" 3-6-9-12... (cont. adding +3 REPS) thrusters 95/65 burpees toes-to-bar (EXTRA CREDIT: dumbbell thrusters 50's/35's) - POST YOUR RESULTS TO COMMENTS. #WOD #JUSTSHOWUP