TUESDAY | 06.01.2021CoachMay 31, 2021SKILL/STRENGTH: 15MINS build to a heavy hang squat clean 13MIN AMRAP: 600m bike sprint MAX hang power cleans 135/95 (NOTE: 600m bike each time the barbell touches the ground) - POST YOUR RESULTS TO COMMENTS. #WOD #JUSTSHOWUP CLICK HERE TO RESERVE YOUR SPOT IN CLASSor download the app for easier scheduling (iOS / Android)
SKILL/STRENGTH: 15MINS build to a heavy hang squat clean 13MIN AMRAP: 600m bike sprint MAX hang power cleans 135/95 (NOTE: 600m bike each time the barbell touches the ground) - POST YOUR RESULTS TO COMMENTS. #WOD #JUSTSHOWUP CLICK HERE TO RESERVE YOUR SPOT IN CLASSor download the app for easier scheduling (iOS / Android)