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WEDNESDAY | 01.09.2019


  • 30 double-unders

  • 3 rope climbs

  • 60 double-unders

  • 2 rope climbs

  • 90 double-unders

  • 1 rope climbs


  • hands slightly in front of torso

  • rotate from wrists

  • relaxed arms & shoulders

  • vertical up and down bounce (chest up)

The arms alone present lots of potential for mechanical dysfunction. Too high, too wide or too far behind/in front of the hips can throw you way off. One of the most common faults we see is when the hands start to flare out wide, which essentially shortens the amount of available rope we have to jump with. If your jump rope is constantly catching your toes, take a look at your arm positioning. Relax the shoulders; keep elbows bent, and your hands right next to your pockets. Even when fatigued, this position is more efficient.

Figuring out the appropriate length for a cable can be a tough task, especially considering how much it can affect the above-mentioned arm positioning. If the cable is too long, it will strike the ground too far away from your feet and then bounce rather than skimming the floor, which is ideal. This also causes us to unconsciously widen our arms to eat up some of that cable length. If the cable is too short we have the opposite problem, and no matter how tight our form is, that cable will just hit our feet or shins. A great starting point for all athletes is to have the cable long enough that if you stand in the center of it with one foot, the handles will hit just about mid chest.


  • 400m run

  • 25 weighted abmat sit-ups 35/20

  • 1200m bike

  • 25 toes-to-bar

  • 500m row

  • 25 V-ups

  • 400m run

  • 25 weighted abmat sit-ups 35/20 ​

(EXTRA CREDIT: finish with 1000m ski erg)


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