MONDAY | 07.22.2019CoachJul 21, 2019SKILL: ~15mins PRACTICE double-unders WODPrep tips John Gilson tips progressions with Carl Paoli part.1 part.2 part.3 3 ROUNDS: 4mins on the clock: 400m run MAX REPS devils press 50's/35's REST 4mins & REPEAT (SCORE: TOTAL REPS for each ROUND) - POST YOUR RESULTS TO COMMENTS. #WOD
SKILL: ~15mins PRACTICE double-unders WODPrep tips John Gilson tips progressions with Carl Paoli part.1 part.2 part.3 3 ROUNDS: 4mins on the clock: 400m run MAX REPS devils press 50's/35's REST 4mins & REPEAT (SCORE: TOTAL REPS for each ROUND) - POST YOUR RESULTS TO COMMENTS. #WOD