MONDAY | 08.28.2017CoachAug 27, 2017QUESTION OF THE DAY (QOD): describe your ideal weekend...? STRENGTH: power clean + front squat + push jerk 8x1+1+1 (8 sets of 1 rep each) increase weight each set work up to moderate load METCON: "BLACK & BLUE" 5RFT: 10 power cleans @50% 10 burpees - POST YOUR RESULTS TO COMMENTS. #WOD
QUESTION OF THE DAY (QOD): describe your ideal weekend...? STRENGTH: power clean + front squat + push jerk 8x1+1+1 (8 sets of 1 rep each) increase weight each set work up to moderate load METCON: "BLACK & BLUE" 5RFT: 10 power cleans @50% 10 burpees - POST YOUR RESULTS TO COMMENTS. #WOD