MONDAY | 11.05.2018CoachNov 4, 2018STRENGTH: E2MOM for 12mins overhead squat: 5-5-3-2-1-1 scale weight as necessary focus on and maintain good form 3 ROUNDS: 50 double-unders 10 hang cleans 115/75 10 overhead squats 115/75 (EXTRA CREDIT: 135/95) - POST YOUR RESULTS TO COMMENTS. #WOD
STRENGTH: E2MOM for 12mins overhead squat: 5-5-3-2-1-1 scale weight as necessary focus on and maintain good form 3 ROUNDS: 50 double-unders 10 hang cleans 115/75 10 overhead squats 115/75 (EXTRA CREDIT: 135/95) - POST YOUR RESULTS TO COMMENTS. #WOD