WEDNESDAY | 01.19.2022CoachJan 18, 2022CONDITIONING: FOR TIME 50 cals bike SKILL/STRENGTH: E90SEC 15MINS find 1RM thruster increase weight safely as needed 6MIN AMRAP: 3 thrusters @60% 1RM above 3 burpees over-the-bar (SCORE: weight used & TOTAL ROUNDS) - POST YOUR RESULTS TO COMMENTS. #WOD #JUSTSHOWUP CLICK HERE TO RESERVE YOUR SPOT IN CLASSor download the app for easier scheduling (iOS / Android)
CONDITIONING: FOR TIME 50 cals bike SKILL/STRENGTH: E90SEC 15MINS find 1RM thruster increase weight safely as needed 6MIN AMRAP: 3 thrusters @60% 1RM above 3 burpees over-the-bar (SCORE: weight used & TOTAL ROUNDS) - POST YOUR RESULTS TO COMMENTS. #WOD #JUSTSHOWUP CLICK HERE TO RESERVE YOUR SPOT IN CLASSor download the app for easier scheduling (iOS / Android)