TUESDAY | 07.03.2018CoachJul 2, 2018SKILL: kipping pull-up tips from Cherie Chan TABATA: pull-up hold 13min AMRAP: CASH-IN: 1600m bike AMRAP in remaining time: 10 pull-ups 15 shoulder-to-overhead 95/65 20 abmat sit-ups (EXTRA CREDIT: push jerk 115/75) - POST YOUR RESULTS TO COMMENTS. #WOD
SKILL: kipping pull-up tips from Cherie Chan TABATA: pull-up hold 13min AMRAP: CASH-IN: 1600m bike AMRAP in remaining time: 10 pull-ups 15 shoulder-to-overhead 95/65 20 abmat sit-ups (EXTRA CREDIT: push jerk 115/75) - POST YOUR RESULTS TO COMMENTS. #WOD