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Athlete of the Month - April 2018

Starboard CrossFit Star Athlete of the Month


We are always paying close attention to each and every individual member here at Starboard CrossFit. We're not just looking to help them get fit, improve themselves and achieve their goals... each month, we like choose an exceptional athlete that goes above and beyond the call of duty; an athlete that stands out as a shining example of an exemplary Starboard CrossFit athlete and family member. Definitely not an easy task with all of the amazing athletes we have!

Then we ask them to share their story in the hopes that it will inspire and motivate others. Most importantly we want to recognize those dedicated members for their hard work and accomplishments, and show the local community that ANYONE can be a CrossFitter. All you have to do is make the choice to give it a try, set goals, and work hard. You may be surprised at what you will accomplish!

This month, we celebrate our 1 year anniversary! We also want to congratulate one of our up and coming new athletes. Like many of our athletes, she is a recent transplant from the great state of Ohio! She began her CrossFit journey in her hometown and shortly after moving to Charleston she knew she found a new CrossFit home the moment she walked in our doors. Since then she's been feeding her insatiable appetite for growing, getting stronger and faster and learning all there is to know about CrossFit to improve her fitness. We're pleased to introduce you to our Star Athlete of the Month for April, Natalie Garber!

From day one Natalie has been a regular part of our elite 5am Club. This group of athletes is by far one of our most dedicated as it takes an indomitable will to rise before the sun and the rest of the world to get your fitness on. And Natalie is one to always show up bright and early with a smile on her face and determination in her eyes!

Natalie is a powerhouse and she is unstoppable in her quest to better herself and improve her strength and conditioning. She recently completed her first ever CrossFit Open Competition and completed all 5 weekly workouts (some of them TWICE!) She's also recently completed her first mud/fun run and is currently registered and training with her teammates for one of the toughest, most brutal races, the Citadel Bulldog Challenge.

When he's not in the box she's out spending time with her husband, Jason, and their four dogs exploring everything Charleston has to offer. And if you're ever interested to stop by our early morning classes be sure to say hi to Natalie and many of our other amazing members and join us for a quick WOD. See what all the hypes about! So, without further ado...



- I don’t really have one. Usually just Nat or Natalie.

Where were you born or where did you grow up?

- Born in Ashland, Ohio. Graduated from THE Ohio State University and my husband and I lived in Bellville, Ohio prior to moving to Charleston in August 2017.

Tell us something most people don't know about you.

- My husband and I planned our Charleston move for almost 6 years before we finally took the leap! We love the area (minus the traffic)

Words to live by ~or~ favorite quote?

- ‘Everyday is a new beginning; take a deep breath and start again.’

- ‘Push yourself because no one else is going to do it for you.’

When and how did you find CrossFit?

- A CrossFit gym opened in our little town, just about a mile from our house. I had heard about CrossFit, having watched competitions at the Arnold, but I always thought it was just for people that were already strong . I decided to try it out one day... with it being so close, why not? I was hooked after my first class and my husband became hooked as well. Not only had I been completely wrong with my premonitions, but I fell in love with CrossFit and it became a part of my life.

What were you doing before CrossFit?

- I've always been active, having been involved with sports throughout school. Prior to CrossFit, I worked out at that ‘judgement free zone’ gym, 3-4x/week doing my own training - lots of cardio and not enough weight training.

How has CrossFit affected your life outside the gym?

- CrossFit has helped in pushing me to be the best person I can be, not only in the gym but in nutrition, my job and all aspects of life. Results and progress come with hard work, consistency, patience and determination. It’s also been a form of stress relief and a healthy outlet for relieving frustrations. There was a time in my life when my goal was to be as skinny as I could possibly be... and that was maintained in unhealthy ways. My mind set has done a complete reversal and now I’m focused on becoming as strong as I can possibly be and doing it the right way.

What is your biggest Crossfit goal?

- Long term: do some competitions, be able to Rx some of the open workouts next year and overall improvement.

- Now goals: increasing weight with my cleans, pull-ups, getting my kipping down, handstand push ups... I started at Starboard unable to even do handstand holds, now I can do them!

What's your favorite ​​exercise, movement, lift, WOD, etc.? or least favorite?

- Favorite - deadlift, power clean, KB swing

- Least favorite - snatch, overhead squat

Favorite ​food, restaurant, or ​cheat meal?

- I’m Italian so pasta is a major weakness.... pizza as well. Ice cream!I also love a good Charleston brunch.

What has been your proudest CrossFit accomplishment?

- Making it through the scaled Open workouts this year and knowing that I gave it everything I had.

​What is the most defining characteristic of Starboard CrossFit that sticks out to you?

- Humbleness. Walking into Starboard, you will not see anyone with their noses stuck in the air, throwing weights around for show. Whether you’re a beginner or part of the elite, everyone pushes each other and genuinely wants to see each other succeed. The coaches are extremely knowledgeable but they’ll never once make you feel small for asking for extra help. I’ve made some great friends here! Starboard has a community like no other and is a family I’m proud to be a part of.

Any advice for newbies considering or just beginning their journey into the world of CrossFit?​

- -Remember, everyone was a beginner at some point

- It’s okay to scale

- Hard work is key; if you have it in you to do that extra rep push yourself and do it!

- Consistency is everything! - as my fellow 5am friend, Chris Farley would say, ‘just show up!’ Really... just get yourself to the gym. Consistency will give you results.

- Don’t be too hard on yourself; celebrate those small successes that will lead you closer to tackling your big goals. It’s important to remember to have fun!

​And finally, what are you up to when you're not at Starboard CrossFit?​

- When I’m not working or at Starboard, I love spending time with my husband and our 4 dogs. We enjoy riding our motorcycle, being outside, trips to the beach, hanging out with friends, and exploring our new city with and without the dogs.

Thanks so much for all those kind words Natalie! We're so extremely grateful to have you and Jason as part of our family. And thank you for sharing your story with us as our Starboard CrossFit Star Athletes for the month of April!

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