CoachDec 2, 2019TUESDAY | 12.03.2019SKILL: strict pull-ups try for MAX REPS UNBROKEN 4min AMRAP: 500/400m row MAX REPS deadlifts 225/155 REST 3mins & REPEAT 4 times POST WOD: CORE TABATA abmat sit-ups & bicycle kicks - POST YOUR RESULTS TO COMMENTS. #WOD #JUSTSHOWUP
SKILL: strict pull-ups try for MAX REPS UNBROKEN 4min AMRAP: 500/400m row MAX REPS deadlifts 225/155 REST 3mins & REPEAT 4 times POST WOD: CORE TABATA abmat sit-ups & bicycle kicks - POST YOUR RESULTS TO COMMENTS. #WOD #JUSTSHOWUP