WEDNESDAY | 08.22.2018CoachAug 21, 2018SKILL: rope climb progressions wrapping tips from Chris Spealler basket J-hook technique WODprep advice EMOM for 5mins 1-2 rope climbs 5min AMRAP: 200m run 10 front squats 95/65 10 pull-ups 2mins REST REPEAT 2mins REST REPEAT (SCORE: TOTAL ROUNDS/REPS for each AMRAP) - POST YOUR RESULTS TO COMMENTS. #WOD
SKILL: rope climb progressions wrapping tips from Chris Spealler basket J-hook technique WODprep advice EMOM for 5mins 1-2 rope climbs 5min AMRAP: 200m run 10 front squats 95/65 10 pull-ups 2mins REST REPEAT 2mins REST REPEAT (SCORE: TOTAL ROUNDS/REPS for each AMRAP) - POST YOUR RESULTS TO COMMENTS. #WOD