FRIDAY | 11.05.2021CoachNov 4, 202121-15-9 REPS: deadlifts 135/95 chest-to-deck push-ups ~ DIRECTLY INTO... 15-12-9 REPS: front squats 135/95 ring dips ~ DIRECTLY INTO... 6-5-4 REPS: shoulder-to-overhead 135/95 strict pull-ups - POST YOUR RESULTS TO COMMENTS. #WOD #JUSTSHOWUP #GRUNTWORK #BENCHMARK CLICK HERE TO RESERVE YOUR SPOT IN CLASSor download the app for easier scheduling (iOS / Android)
21-15-9 REPS: deadlifts 135/95 chest-to-deck push-ups ~ DIRECTLY INTO... 15-12-9 REPS: front squats 135/95 ring dips ~ DIRECTLY INTO... 6-5-4 REPS: shoulder-to-overhead 135/95 strict pull-ups - POST YOUR RESULTS TO COMMENTS. #WOD #JUSTSHOWUP #GRUNTWORK #BENCHMARK CLICK HERE TO RESERVE YOUR SPOT IN CLASSor download the app for easier scheduling (iOS / Android)